Albato Case Study


Albato is a company that helps businesses solve a wide range of automation issues, allowing them to create full-scale ecosystems across dozens of apps and platforms. They render their services in English and Portuguese in a variety of areas, including Brazil, India, the US, the United Kingdom, etc.


When the client approached us, they already had two working websites generating traffic, one in English and the other in Portuguese. Their goal was to switch from their current stack to SPA to improve the websites’ usability. The client’s team realized the challenge of such migration: if done incorrectly, possible outcomes were traffic loss, pessimization, and, as a result, client loss. They asked for our help in migrating to SPA to save the existing traffic and avoid negative implications.


As we started optimizing the website to achieve adequate ranking, we detected a problem, typical for SPA websites: the content on the landing pages, as well as on the blog pages wasn’t being indexed by Google. Neither one of the blocks was being rendered, as the content was developed with JavaScript.


Our solution was to perform a comprehensive health check and draw up technical assignments to improve SEO blocks rendering. Otherwise, Google would have indexed empty pages, and the traffic would have been lost.

We improved interlinking of both English and Portuguese pages for better indexation and correct rendering.

After making sure that the traffic was preserved on both websites, we decided to transfer the Portuguese domain to a subdomain of the main English website. Our reasoning was simple: the more powerful the main domain is, the better, cheaper and quicker the internal page optimization will become.

At a later stage, we carried out on-page optimization of both the English domain and the Portuguese subdomain. We optimized texts and meta tags, as well as issued technical assignments to implement new blocks.

Cooperation Principles

To react quickly to any changes in the client’s strategy and make timely adjustments, we developed a flexible workflow and kept the client informed about the progress during the entire process. We formed a team of skilled managers, stategists and SEO experts. The communication was held primarily by the project manager who scheduled regular video calls and reported on updates via email or Slack.

At the end of each month, the client received a full report on the tasks completed over the month and the ones planned for the next month. We granted free access to all technical assignments and guides, so that the client’s team could access them whenever they needed.


We continuously monitored the traffic dynamics, took timely actions, and it yielded results: after the migration process was completed, not only was the existing traffic of the main website preserved, but also the Portuguese subdomain grew in traffic.