Ca-Courses Case Study

Who Was the Client?

Our client, Ca-Courses, is a course aggregator in Canada and South Africa. The company was founded by an IT entrepreneur, with whom we had been working on the majority of his projects, including Ca-Courses.

What Was the Task?

Our team took over the project in June 2022, right after the launch of the startup. Since the launch was announced, it had been crucial to quickly gain traffic and visibility of the web site to draw public attention and win the audience.

Our client had some SEO experience and was aware that to be effective, SEO promotion required an elaborate SEO strategy. Thus, he decided to involve our team from the very beginning.

What Did We Do?

To build an effective SEO strategy, we needed to have a clear view of the niche. So, we ran a comprehensive analysis.

First, we had to find out who our target audience was and what they were interested in. We researched keywords, collected full semantics and clustered it to further analyze users’ interests.

We then established benchmarks for our traffic strategy by performing a competitive analysis of the companies ranked highest in search results. Based on our analysis, we determined the metrics we should aim for, and sized up the funds and human resources needed to achieve them.

We also evaluated channels that could influence SEO. By processing a large amount of data systematically, we were able to make precise predictions on the outcome.

Our SEO team prepared detailed technical assignments for the client to implement in their website, landing page blocks and interlinking, taking into account both client's goals and SEO requirements. We opted for building a Private Blog Network (PBN), as it was the most efficient tool for increasing link juice and promoting the website within the client’s budget.

At a later stage, we performed a health check of the website and prepared a new series of technical assignments to identify bugs and avoid mistakes critical for SEO positioning. We kept building up the link juice and watching the traffic grow as predicted.

How Did We Work?

Throughout the project, our priority was to ensure the work process was flexible and clear. The entire communication was held by the project manager, who followed task priorities, statuses, and completion dates.

Apart from the product manager, the project team included a SEO team lead and a SEO specialist. Together with the client’s team, we divided the work flow into iterations and developed a detailed work pipeline.

Once a week, we arranged video calls with the client to discuss how the process was going, what tasks had been planned, what metrics had been achieved, and if they matched the predicted ones. At the end of each month, we provided the client with a full report on what had been completed over the month and what was planned for the next one.

To ensure smooth and transparent communication, we always gave the client’s team timely feedback. The client also had free access to all links, technical assignments, and guides at any time over the course of the project.

What Were the Results?

The client’s team trusted us completely and quickly implemented all of our technical recommendations, following the SEO strategy we had elaborated. As a result, in ten months, the traffic and visibility values not only met but steadily outgrew the predicted ones. The search traffic grew from 0 to 50% of the top benchmark in target semantics, while the search visibility reached 51% of the main competitor’s value. Taking into account that the competitor’s project had been on the market for 5 years and ranked consistently at top 1 position, while the client’s platform was only launched 10 months ago, the results were impressive.
Contact us
Unit 1603, 16th Floor, The L. Plaza, 367-375 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, HK