How to Get the Most Traffic Out of Two Articles

This is a case study about two articles that have been generating organic traffic for two years and continue to do so.

Due to a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) we are unable to disclose the client’s details. However, we can provide some background on the client: their team specializes in developing business software, creating high-load platforms, designing web and mobile applications, building Internet services and open-source marketplaces.

The client approached us with a request to increase their blog's organic traffic.


Our main challenge was to select highly specialized topics that would attract the target audience interested in the client's product.


We handled the challenge by taking the following steps:

  • Conducting a comprehensive health check to ensure there were no errors on the website that would prevent articles from ranking highly.
  • Collecting and analyzing data on direct and indirect competitors.
  • Compiling a list of topics based on target audience’s interests and search requests.
  • Preparing technical assignments for two articles (the topics were chosen by the client).

The client’s in-house editorial team wrote and published two articles based on our technical assignments - one in January of 2020, and the other one in February of 2020.


For almost three years, these two articles have been generating traffic consistently.
Peak value of up to 2,500 thousand visits in 2020
Search visibility in 2020
Search visibility in 2021
Search visibility in 2022
The quality of texts strongly influences the search engine ranking and ability to outperform competitors. To achieve this, it is necessary to strictly follow technical assignments. Our client's team did an excellent job implementing our recommendations. It resulted in detailed articles with well-organized visuals. Figures were presented as infographics and complex procedures as schemes and tables, simplifying understanding.

Usually, articles reach the top positions in search results within three months and lose their positions after eight months or more. Yet, the quality and usefulness of these two articles have kept them at the top of Google ranking for two years, bringing a lot of traffic at a low cost.

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Unit 1603, 16th Floor, The L. Plaza, 367-375 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, HK